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Costus sp 'Alan’s Red'

Costus sp 'Alan’s Red'

Costus curvibracticatus

Costus curvibracticatus

Costus sp. 'Red Feathers'

Costus sp. 'Red Feathers'

Costus leucanthus 'Vertigo'

Costus leucanthus 'Vertigo'

Costus longebracteolatus 'Long Kiss'

Costus longebracteolatus 'Long Kiss'

Costus aff. scaber 'Twister'

Costus aff. scaber 'Twister'

Costus woodsonii 'Dwarf Lipstick'

Costus woodsonii 'Dwarf Lipstick'

Costus sp. ‘French Kiss’

Costus sp. ‘French Kiss’

Costus sp. ‘Belieze Chocolate’

Costus sp. ‘Belieze Chocolate’


Seven genera
    ~100 species

"Members of Costaceae are perennial, rhizomatous, non-aromatic herbs, usually terrestrial or more rarely epiphytic. Stems are terete, most often unbranched, leafy, sometimes spirally contorted; when branched, then secondary branches break through the leaf sheaths (Tapeinochilus). Leaves are spirally arranged, with the sheaths closed and tubular; libule is present and the petiole short; pulvinus is absent; lamina are narrowly to broadly elliptic, rolled up from one side to the other in bud. The inflorescence a strobilaceous spike, terminal on the leafy shoot or on a separate, short, leafless shoot, or flowers solitary, axillary (Monocostus). Flowers are epigynous, perfect, and zygomorphic; the calyx is tubular, shortly 2-3 lobed; corolla is 3-lobed, with the lobes basally fused, imbricate in bud and unequal. Labellum is petaloid, staminodial, opposite to the stamen, as long as or much longer than the corolla, ± 3-lobed, often with crisped margin; basal part of stamen and labellum are united into a papillate tube." -description via Smithsonian NMNH


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