CULTIVAR NAME: 'Peach Cobbler'
PARENTAGE: Cheilocostus globosus
STATUS: Established
TYPE: unnamed species/variety
PUBLISHED: December 2013 in Heliconia Society Bulletin 19 (4)
ORIGIN: Received from Tom Wood as unnamed C. globosus variety. Origin unknown. Named by Dave Skinner.
DESCRIPTION: C. globosus form with unusual leaves and yellow flowers with red markings in the throat of the labellum. New leaves are peach colored turning green with maturity and having a distinctive rugose (wrinkled) texture. Leaves are glabrous on both surfaces. Normally flowers basally but this cultivar sometimes makes a terminal inflorescence. Bracts, bracteoles and calyx are densely hairy and green with only a blush of red near the margins. Flowers are globular in shape, labellum is yellow with distinctive red markings in the throat.